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Monday Metaphysics: Consciousness

The word consciousness gets tossed around a lot, and the spiritual, psychological, medical and business worlds each have their own, slightly different, versions of the term. You might also find that this term is used interchangeably with the word awareness.

Rather than defining consciousness, I prefer to use an equation. My consciousness equation is: consciousness = awareness + curiosity + open-mindedness.

Awareness is the knowledge and understanding that the something is happening or exists, which requires full presence in the moment. When you are present, you are looking at the moment from an elevated perspective, allowing you to see multiple channels, options, ways of thinking, etc. You have an expanded viewpoint.

Curiosity is the desire to explore a concept or idea. Generally, when your viewpoint is expanded, you have the desire to learn, explore and better understand each perspective. This exploration then connects you with information that may not have been in your purview previously. Opening your mind to different ways of thinking and being.

Open-mindedness is a willingness to listen to or accept different ideas or opinions even if you do not agree with them. In a state of consciousness, you are able to see and explore various perspectives without bias. There is no judgement on the people or perspectives, simply a deeper knowledge, an understanding, of where they are coming from.

Looking at consciousness from this viewpoint, you will see that consciousness isn’t a passive stance. It is taking an active role in your personal understanding of yourself, others, and the world around you. You can apply this consciousness equation to any area of your life in which you want to grow. From personal relationships to belief systems and professional development, developing your consciousness muscle:

  • allows you to make decisions that are in alignment with what you truly want,
  • supports a positive emotional state,
  • helps you clarify and cultivate your own personal belief structures,
  • keeps you from getting distracted from what you want, and
  • allows you to better understand other people and their perspectives.

In summary, consciousness gives birth to transformation and wisdom.

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