Listen to our latest podcast episode:

Accessing the Guru Within

Are you looking for peace or purpose?

For those of us who have a deep, aching desire to make a real difference in the world, it’s SUPER FRUSTRATING when we can’t figure out what we’re “here to do.”

Seeking, and many times struggling, to find the one thing that not only fits you and makes a difference takes up a lot headspace. It’s exhausting! We are bombarded with messages from family to media that if we just find what we are passionate about and do that our lives will be easy and meaningful. Oh yeah, and we’ll be freakin’ rich!

We get sucked into the marketing of: “Find your purpose!” “Live your dream!” “If you’re passionate about what you do you’ll never work a day in your life!” All this messaging starts out as inspiring but just ends up making us feel terrible. Like a failure at life.

But here’s the REAL deal…these stratospheric expectations are total BS!

We make searching for our purpose this big grand thing. This holy vocation. A big job with lots of money. Making a difference. Not to mention the ultimate end game, if I find my purpose, I will find peace.

There it is. If I find my purpose, I will find peace. That is what we are really looking for.

So, how do you find peace?

Honestly, get to know yourself as well as possible and live in a way that honors who you are, how you work, and what your core values are.

“Self-awareness is the key to living a peaceful, and purposeful life.”

You are here to do one thing: to live honestly in alignment with how you work as an individual. Not live the life that family, friends, or society expects you to live. Your purpose is to bring a higher level of vibrational energy to the earth by enjoying life. Sharing your talents and your unique perspective

Think that sounds too simple? Not “big” enough?

Well, it really doesn’t get any bigger than that. Everything and everyone is connected. For example, if your spouse comes home from work in a bad mood, they bring the mood of the entire house down. If they come home in a great mood, they lift the energy up. So, if we are sharing good vibes out into the world, everyone benefits. If we send fear, sadness, and shame, everyone loses.

Moving Forward

Bottom line, purpose and peace go hand in hand. Your purpose is to add as much good stuff to the collective vibe pile as possible. By structuring your life in alignment with who you are, how you work, and doing things you enjoy (work or play), you will find peace and live your purpose of uploading positive energy to the universal pool of energy we all tap into.

Next time, we’ll talk about why this feels simultaneously too hard and too easy. Stay tuned!

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