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Balancing the scales

We are officially in the fall season. We have been for a few weeks, but it is coming in…cool…now. 😉

Here in Central Ohio we have the official chill in the air, changing and falling leaves, and the reintegration of cozy sweaters and thick socks.

Because the switch happened so fast, you may be feeling a little out of balance; physically (been sick or fatigued?), emotionally (feeling a little out of sorts, S.A.D. creeping in?), mentally (a little brain fog or fatigue perhaps?), or spiritually (feeling the need for both reflection & connection).


Is that what you’re thinking? You don’t like it? Well, the evolution from one season to the next can make us feel a little out of sorts. In all those ways mentioned. Navigating these changes takes a big dose of self-awareness.

Not only do you need that handy tool to determine that you’re feeling off, but also why, and how to move forward.

The good thing is that if you’re reading this you have a few season changes under your belt and there are likely some season change similarities. You might have the same experience every season change, or your experience might be different each season change but be similar from year to year (each fall, each spring, etc.). For example, each season change starts out with a cold or allergy attack or perhaps you start feeling a little low each fall because there is less light.

How to get back in balance

To bet back into balance fairly quickly, you are invited to take these 5 steps starting…NOW.

  1. Set the intention of awareness- This is step one. Set the intention at the beginning of the season, week or day, whatever works for you, to become more aware of how you are feeling (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually). Setting an intention is like setting up security on your computer. You are telling your system to pay attention to what is going on and report back. This is what we are focused on.
  2. Listen to what your body, mind, and spirit are telling you- When your system perks up and says “HEY! This is what we are noticing. This is what is happening.” listen to the message. Receive it. Take it seriously. Likely, you will get a little nudge to do something you don’t normally do. You might feel like going for a walk, eating different foods, or taking in different types of content. Receive this insight.
  3. Take action on what your body, mind, and spirit are telling you- After you’ve received the insight, take the action. If your body feels like going on a walk, take it on a walk. If you feel like calling a friend, call your friend. If your curiosity is piqued, follow it. Take action on the nudges you are getting.
  4. Give yourself permission to settle into the season- Seasons change because the Earth’s axis is tilted causing different parts of the Earth to receive the Sun’s rays most directly at different times. That’s the sciencey explanation. Season changes offer us the opportunity to move our bodies in a different way, rest, and eat foods that will support us in the way we need for the actions will be taking during that particular time of the year. Let nature be your inspiration here. Watch what the animals do during each season and follow their lead. When it’s time to prepare, prepare, when it’s time to rest, rest, when it’s time to run and create, run and create. Give yourself permission to be part of nature’s plan. It’s all perfectly timed.
  5. Jot down a few sentences for future you- Just so you don’t forget next year (or next season) how and why you were feeling these weird feelings, take a moment to jot down the experiences you have at the beginning of each season. Then pull that little notebook out each season and see how your experiences line up with the previous.

Moving forward

Seasons are an opportunity to engage with the flow of life on the planet we inhabit. We are part of nature. We aren’t in nature we are of nature. Let the seasons teach you what you need to learn. Slow down, speed up, create something new, or let go for good what is no longer needed.

Pay attention to what life is telling you and you will find your balance.

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