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Accessing the Guru Within

Judgement = Growth…if you let it

Are you judgmental toward others? You don’t have to post your answer so, be honest. 🤫

The thing is, being judgmental towards others can actually communicate some pretty interesting things…about us. That’s right.

Judging others, gossiping, can seem innocent enough, a way of bonding even. However, every time we judge someone, we reveal a part of ourselves that needs healing.

In one of my favorite books, The Universe Has Your Back, Gabby Bernstein says, “We use judgement to avoid the feeling of our own inadequacy, insecurities, and lack of self-worth. Instead of addressing those feelings, we look at the perceived shortcomings of others, so we don’t have to face our own pain.”


I may add, so we don’t have to feel our own unrealized pain.

More often than not, what triggers us to be judgmental of someone is a shadow that we also carry. We are mirrors of one another, here to teach and offer insight. If we are open to the reflection.

When we see someone as the source of our pain, many times we are simply reflecting where we are causing ourselves pain.

Moving Forward

Judgement offers us the feeling of separation. We are right, they are wrong. We are smart, they are stupid. We are doing things the correct way, they are doing things the wrong way.

The truth is we are all the same. Sometimes we’re right, sometimes we’re wrong. Sometimes we make good decisions, sometimes we make really bad ones.

Standing in the presence of judgment, asking “What is this showing me about myself? Where do I need healing?” leaves us in a place of growth and understanding. The ability to shine a light on our shadows allows us to move forward from a place of peace.

Until next time…

P.S. Want to help us move into the next phase of our growth journey? Become a Be Revealed BETA Squad member. Learn more and sign up here.

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