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Monday Metaphysics: Clairaudience

Today I’m continuing my four part series on the clairs with part three, clairaudience. In the last two posts I described clairvoyance (clear seeing) and claircognizance (clear knowing). If you missed those posts, or would like to revisit them, you can find them here:
As a reminder, the clairs are simply another way we engage with energy, intuitively. It’s something we all experience to varying degrees. Energetic engagement helps us in our work, keeps us safe, and helps us make good decisions, which is why understanding and paying attention to these natural gifts is important.
Clairaudience, or clear hearing, is a way of interacting with energy audibly. When having a clairaudient experience you might hear words, music or frequencies in your inner ear or externally. This could be expressed as hearing one word, for example “STOP!” in an effort to help you avoid an accident, even when no one’s around. It could also be experienced as an inner dialogue with yourself but it sounds more like you’re having a conversation with someone else. These conversations with Source will always be supportive and never destructive, violent or encourage you to harm yourself or others.
Other signs that you experience clairaudience, or clear hearing, are:
• Music is very important to you, and you often feel as if you receive insight from song lyrics or melodies
• You experience ringing or buzzing in your ears from time to time, unrelated to a medical condition
• A conversation that you hadn’t been listening to suddenly becomes amplified and you receive an insight or inspiration from that conversation
• You talk to yourself when you are working out a problem or stressful situation and receive thoughtful, clear-minded advice back via your inner voice
Just as the other clairs we’ve reviewed have practical, everyday functionality, so does clairaudience. Professions that integrate clairaudience as an important tool in their professional toolbox include musicians and dancers. This includes choreographers, composers, producers, singers, lyricists, and dancers in all forms from hiphop to ballet to interpretive dance.
Like engineers and designers use clairvoyance to see designs in their mind that they create in 3D, musicians hear melodies or lyrics in their inner or outer ear then recreate those beautiful compositions in real life to share with the rest of us. Additionally, many dancers have the unique ability to connect with music in such a way that they intuitively know how the music will flow or stop even if they’ve never heard the song. Of course, clairaudience is experienced across all professions and in everyday life and expressed as good listening, offering the right advice when needed (often unknowingly), the ability to comfort others, and “hearing” the real story, even if it’s not being communicated.
Clear hearing is another valuable intuitive tool. Just like the other clairs, clairaudience helps us in our everyday work and personal lives; from helping us work through problems, offering the right information to the right person at the right time, or executing on a hunch that saves time, money, or lives. The clairs are another way we connect and communicate with each other and the world around us.


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