Today’s post is the last in my four part series on the clairs with clairsentience or clear feeling. In the last three posts I described clairvoyance (clear seeing), cognizance (clear knowing), and clairaudience (clear hearing). If you missed those posts, or would like to revisit them, you can find them here:
As a reminder, the clairs are simply another way we engage with energy, intuitively. It’s something we all experience to varying degrees. Energetic engagement helps us in our work, keeps us safe, and helps us make good decisions, which is why understanding and paying attention to these natural gifts is important.
Clairsentience, or clear feeling is a way of interacting with the world around you using internal and external feeling. Similarly to claircognizance, many think of clairsentience as their ‘gut feeling’ or intuition. Whereas claircognizance is a knowing, with clairsentience, someone may quite literally have a feeling in their gut or heart center that gives them a message or allows them to connect with a person, place, or thing to receive an intuitive message. It could be an overwhelming sense of love or subtle nudge to get out of the situation. In this case, there is the experience of an actual feeling.
A common way to experience clairsentience is through the empathic trait. An empath is someone who is able to feel the emotional or physical feelings of another person even when they, themselves, are not experiencing them. There are many different types of empaths as well such as, emotional, physical, global, earth, plant, animal, and psychometric to name a few.
Other signs that you experience clairsentience, or clear feeling, are:
- Sensitivity to energy in all forms, mainly other people’s or the physical environment you are in
- Your mood changes significantly depending on who you talk to or are surrounded by
- You can ‘read a room’ instantly
- You tend to use language such as “I feel”, ‘I see”, or “I know”
Just as the other clairs we’ve reviewed have practical, everyday functionality, so does clairsentience. Professions that integrate clairsentience as an important tool in their professional toolbox include managers, salespeople, first responders, and healers.
These individuals are people-driven and are likely keenly attuned to the energy of other people. First responders are going to quickly read the energy of a room and use that information to determine what is needed in the situation they find themselves responding to. That is a vital tool in their toolbox as their job has them responding to many different types of situations. Similarly, managers and sales people must be tuned into the energy of others in order to serve them effectively. The same is true for healers, as many massage therapists, reiki energy healers and acupuncturists pick up on the physical and emotional symptoms of their clients, which helps them more effectively treat their ailments.
Clear feeling is another valuable intuitive tool. Just like the other clairs, clairsentience helps us in our everyday work and personal lives; from helping us work through problems, offer the right information to the right person at the right time, or execute on a hunch that saves time, money, or lives. The clairs are another way we communicate with each other and the world around us.
I would love your feedback on this series and how it has helped you better understand your experience and navigate your personal and professional life. Post a comment or reach out to me at