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Monday Metaphysics: Clairvoyance

Many of my clients ask me about their experiences engaging with energy in more intuitive ways i.e. seeing, hearing, knowing, or sensing energy.

Most of them are highly sensitive or empathic, so they are naturally intuitive and more sensitive to the energetic information around them. For some, it makes them uncomfortable based on what they learned growing up. Others are excited and want to develop this way of connecting more deeply. Either way, they want to understand what exactly is going on.

Because this question comes up so often, I’m going to dedicate the next few Monday Metaphysics lessons to the Clairs: Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircongnizance.

Before I go further, I want to make sure one thing is clear. Engaging with energy intuitively is something that everyone does. It’s not just available to a few special people, we all do it, every single one of us. It’s not weird or abnormal, in fact, it’s just another way of connecting with Source and the world around us. Energetic engagement helps us in our work, keeps us safe, and it helps us make good decisions, which is why understanding and paying attention to these natural gifts is important.

Let’s start this series with clairvoyance or clear seeing. Clear seeing can come in the form of visualizations inside the mind, vivid dreams, visual premonitions and inspirations as well as seeing colors and images with the naked eye that others may not see. Sure, some of these visual experiences may be related to medical conditions, but not all of them.

While most people have heard of clairvoyance, the general consensus is that is something psychics do. Nope. You’ve done it, and may use this tool every single day at work!

Have you ever visualized yourself doing something then found yourself in that exact situation in real life?

Do you daydream a lot, coming up with design ideas or visually playing out situations in your mind to help you make a decision?

Are you a very descriptive storyteller, weaving in amazing metaphors to make sure your audience can see the picture in their mind as you do in yours?

If so, you have experienced clairvoyance or clear seeing.

Artists, designers, engineers, and photographers use this amazing tool everyday. They use their clear seeing tool to create amazing works in their mind before they even put it on paper or in 3D. They see the the product in their mind and then create it in real life. Sometimes, it’s an instant inspiration and sometimes it takes time to connect the dots, but they always use that visualization tool in the creative process. Some even feel they have no right to take credit for the work they create because it seems as though these ideas were just “put” inside their head. They didn’t have to “work” for them. Of course, receiving the inspiration and seeing it through in real life are two very different things. We all get visualizations, it takes commitment and drive to get it out of our heads and into the world.

As you can “see” this intuitive tool is very helpful in our everyday lives; from helping us work through problems or understand things visually, to having a premonition that saves our life, to all of the amazing everyday products that were once visions in a designers mind.

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