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Accessing the Guru Within


Things I've learned, or need to.

Monday Metaphysics: Consciousness

The word consciousness gets tossed around a lot, and the spiritual, psychological, medical and business worlds each have their own, slightly different, versions of the

Monday Metaphysics: Courage

  On Memorial Day, much reverence is given to courage. Courage itself, and those who have shown courage in the face of tremendous challenge. The

Monday Metaphysics: Tolle

Spirituality isn’t religion. It is the conscious connection to the divinity that exists all around you and within you. Spirituality is awareness, energetic alignment, and

Monday Metaphysics: Receiving

Receiving is deeply ingrained in the metaphysical. In fact, several of the Universal Laws have a receiving component built in to them including, law of

Monday Metaphysics: Divine Love

Are you familiar with the term Divine Love? Divine Love is different than the love you feel for a child, parent, partner, friend, or pet.

Monday Metaphysics: Clairaudience

Today I’m continuing my four part series on the clairs with part three, clairaudience. In the last two posts I described clairvoyance (clear seeing) and

Monday Metaphysics: Claircognizance

This week I’m continuing my series on the Clairs. In the last Monday Metaphysics post, I discussed clairvoyance and how engineers, artists and others use this intuitive

Monday Metaphysics: Clairvoyance

Many of my clients ask me about their experiences engaging with energy in more intuitive ways i.e. seeing, hearing, knowing, or sensing energy. Most of

Full System Scan

This is what you do when your phone or computer is running slow or acting buggy, right? You do a scan, defrag, clear the cache,