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Accessing the Guru Within

This is the REAL price of growth & development

“A mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

These words feel so powerful today. The last several years have been pretty life changing for me, and as I read this quote by Mr. Emerson it hit me hard that the ‘lives’ I lived, the ‘people’ I was I will never be again. Comfortably anyway.

I know more about myself and the world around me. I am a mother. I am a business owner. I am a healer. I am a good partner. I am loved fully and completely.

My mind and my heart have been stretched by new ideas and possibilities so intensely that I don’t know how I could ever go back to where I have been, with the blind abandon I had during those periods of time. Blissful ignorance has left my life in many ways and if I continue the path I’m on, I will likely look back on this time of my life—eyes wider, heart fuller, and mind even more expanded— with the same lens I look back on those past versions of myself today.

The end of an era

I know you resonate with the quote above as well. If you are a subscriber to this newsletter, introspection and personal/spiritual/professional growth and development are important to you.

Living up to your potential, healing what needs healed, being open to possibility and growth comes at a price. That price is letting go of habits, people, and ideas that no longer jive with your new vibe.

To level up is to let go.

Moving forward

Moving forward with your goal of growth, development, healing or anything in that realm means you will never be the same again. Once you have popped the cork on knowledge and insight you are fundamentally changed.

And that, is positive.

The reward for your courage is evolution. Forward movement on your path to wholeness.

There are times when you may look back and say, “I wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then.” But those times will be rare and short lived. Because you know, in your soul, that evolution of your spiritual/personal self is your main purpose. To learn, grow and offer your insight to inspire and support others.

Keep moving forward. We are all in this together.

As always, if I can support you through ReikiPersonal/Spiritual Coachingevents or self-study courses, I’m here.

Until next time

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