Listen to our latest podcast episode:

Accessing the Guru Within

To get your answer, ask the right question.

Feeling like an outsider sucks. Waking up every day with a heaviness in your chest, knowing something isn’t right, but you can’t put your finger on exactly what “it” is. You’re positive you’re the only one feeling this way, so your anxiety goes into overdrive. “Am I missing out on something great?” “Did I take the wrong path?” “Did I leave my flat iron on?” You cross all known T’s, and dot those I’s. You try to make sure everything is done perfectly so you can rid yourself of this inner chaos.

Guess what? You’re normal!

Feeling like you’ve lost your way or that something’s missing, well, that’s just part of the deal for a lot of us, probably most of us. Especially the seekers. But, we make the problem worse when we start searching for answers, before we’ve asked any questions.

Over-managing your life and being hyper-vigilant is no different than drinking too much, doing drugs, or any other behavior used to distract yourself from dealing with the hard stuff.

Let me make this clear. The “heaviness,” the “thing,” isn’t going away. It gonna knock harder and harder and make you more and more miserable, even physically sick, until you finally give in and pay attention to it.

Being more comfortable in your own skin definitely comes with age, but it can come earlier. Living the life that’s right for YOU, not someone else, is the fastest way to a more centered life. Understanding who you are, what you want, and what you believe, then making sure your decisions align with those values will help you to eliminate that pit in your chest and change your perspective.

I get wanting to figure things out for yourself. I did that and I wasted a lot of time. However, working with a professional coach or counselor can fast track you to the peaceful, more fulfilling life you’re searching for. Having someone guide you, step-by-step, as you discover who you are, what you want, even what it’s time to let go of will give you more time to actually live in that space. Time I wish I had back.

Of course, it’s not enough to just ask the right questions, you have to take action. The information is important, but action is the key to change. Once you start taking action, you’ll notice that things start to fall into place naturally. You will trust yourself more and feel more connected to your family, your community and your environment than ever before.

You can have the life you want. It might take answering some tough questions, but you might as well get started…because let’s face it, you got shit to do!


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