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Accessing the Guru Within

What if “your way” no longer works?

Happy New Year! 2023 is now upon us. How exciting to have new energy infusing our lives.

As the new year kicks off, you may feel like exploring some new things.

  • Finally taking that ceramics class you’ve been dreaming of for years
  • Moving to Colorado
  • Being more consistent with your meditation practice
  • Cooking more
  • Learning Italian
  • The possibilities are endless

Taking advantage of new energy is really fun. Feeling excited, passionate, even a little nervous as you begin something new is a great way to wake up your sleepy system. I’m getting out of my COVID comfort zone this year too and I have all of the aforementioned feelings.

A few months ago, I announced that RevelationU will be offering a new workshop each month in 2023. Creating, marketing, and delivering workshops is a lot of work, but the kind that feels activating. It feels great to know that I have the opportunity to experience feelings of creativity, joy, excitement, and a few butterflies every month. The first one is happening on January 22 and its proving to be a juicy start to the series.

Second, I’ve enrolled in Gabrielle Bernstein’s manifestation challenge taking place the first 21 days of this year. I wanted to start this year a little more structured and since I’m all about aligned energy, and Gabby Berenstein, I thought I would give this a shot. So far it’s been pretty great. Something new and different to keep me focused and motivated.

The common theme

The two items above have something in common, they encourage me to work within my true nature. I love writing, creating, being inspired, feeling aligned energy, and sharing these incredible feelings with others.

While honoring my true nature is something that’s important to me now, that wasn’t always. Being a little too loosey goosey with my energy/focus caused detours to be taken. I lost myself in the process of living and working. People pleasing yes, but also being overly adaptable. Without a strong sense of self, I allowed others and society to guide me more than I guided myself.

Wait, so, I’m not a natural type A?

20 years in corporate America had me thinking I was something that I wasn’t. Actually 20 years in corporate America TRAINED me to be something I wasn’t. Well, to be fair, I let it happen.

Naturally, I’m more laid back, but my work environment had a different expectation. And while I felt like I accomplished a lot and received many, many awards for my work, over the years I continued to feel more disconnected. The accolades and accomplishments didn’t mean much anymore. I felt meh, like I was going through the motions. Something was missing but I couldn’t figure it out because all the boxes were checked.

It was then I decided to become more conscious of my inner world (how I was feeling, what felt good or bad) and things changed dramatically. I became open to living in a different way. Surrendering to the fact that my way wasn’t working. I started meditating, going within, and really listening. I released attachment to time frames, ideas, goals, and solutions of my own design. I surrendered to whatever was supposed to be for me.

It’s hard to admit when your way isn’t working.

Maybe you’ve had this experience as well. Maybe you are having it now. If so, it’s hard to admit that your way isn’t working. Whether it’s in your relationship, your career, your finances, or your parenting. That said, allowing yourself to receive life in a different way can lead to incredible outcomes.

It can be scary to radically change how you understand the world, but it can lead you in thrilling directions. – Oprah Winfrey

Read those words again and again and ask yourself if you are ready to change the way you understand the world or if you need a little more time controlling a narrative, a situation or a life, even if it’s no longer working.

There is no right or wrong answer here. Sometimes we need stay in the familiar a little longer.

When you’re ready to incorporate something new, to open yourself up to a new way of being, doing and existing, to get reacquainted with your true nature and your natural way of being, you will find yourself supported in ways you didn’t realize were possible.

I will always be there to support you. Energetic support with Reiki, guidance through Personal/Spiritual Coaching, attending one of the monthly workshops we have planned for 2023, following RevelationU on social media, or engaging with free resources on

Whatever support looks like for you, I’m here.

Until next time…

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