Listen to our latest podcast episode:

Accessing the Guru Within

It’s all about you

I was finally able to watch Super Soul Sunday today, something I haven’t been able to do in months. The episode I saw was a rerun with Joel Osteen. Toward the end of the episode, Joel and Oprah both used variations of the phrase, “Everything that happens to you, happens for you.” I think Joel phrased it, “Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.”

No matter how you say it, this is a fantastic concept. Especially for seekers.

A few weeks ago I shared one of my favorite mental exercises. The above speaks to  another workout I try to incorporate each day—learn something from every person or situation I come in contact with. This helps me:

  1. Value others
  2. Value positive and negative situations
  3. Test my core values
  4. Determine what’s real vs. imagined
  5. Reaffirm my wants vs. needs

Essentially, I try to pay attention to the world around me and the messages I am being sent or asked to deliver. Not in a narcissistic way, but in a way that encourages personal growth and connection with other people. For example, someone may feel I need a “You got this,” and deliver that message just when I need it. I want to be present enough to do that for someone else.

So go on, for the betterment of the human race, be self-absorbed and listen for the messages being sent to you every day.


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