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New Year, New Season

Why you’ll never find your true purpose

We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us that if we just find what we are passionate about and do that, our lives will be easy and meaningful. Oh yeah, and we’ll be freakin’ rich! For those of us with a deep, aching desire to make a difference in the world, it’s painful when we can’t figure it out. It sounds so simple. Seeking—and many times struggling—to find that one thing that fits us perfectly takes up a lot headspace, and it’s exhausting.

As much as we hate to admit it, we do get sucked in by these sound bites. “Find your purpose!” “Live your dream!” “If you’re passionate about what you do you’ll never work a day in your life!” Sounds amazing, right! For many, these phrases aren’t inspiring. Instead, they make us feel like a failure at the game of life. These messages boil existence down into a slick marketing campaign selling a stress-free life of luxury. A holy vocation that requires no effort to get or maintain, and pays so much money we’ll never struggle financially again. It’s like a spiritual infomercial. And let’s not forget the end game. We believe if we find our purpose we will finally find peace.

And that’s what we’re really looking for. Peace.

So, how do you find it? You’ll need to get real honest with yourself, which is, surprisingly, more difficult than you’d think. When it comes to living a peaceful, purposeful life, self-awareness is step one.

You’re here to do one thing: to live in alignment with how you work as an individual. Not live the life family, friends, or society expects you to live. Your purpose is to create high-level energy by enjoying life.

Think that sounds too simple? Too “out there”. Not “big” enough? Well, it really doesn’t get any bigger than that. We’re all connected through energy and we rely on the energy of others as spiritual fuel. For example, when your husband comes home from work in a bad mood, you’ll notice he brings the mood of the entire house down. For the rest of the night everyone feels terrible, depressed and bitchy. If he comes home in a great mood, the energy goes up and everyone’s having a great time. The same thing happens at work and sporting events, just on a larger scale. Or think of it this way, do you have a network of supportive family and friends that help you keep your energy high so you can achieve your goals, or are you around people that suck your energy by telling you that your ideas are stupid and you should give up? If we’re sending out high-quality good vibes, everyone benefits. If we’re sending out low energy vibes through fear and negativity everyone loses.

I don’t believe the ultimate goal of life is pure unadulterated happiness 24/7. That’s not realistic. I believe we are meant to grow and develop in an effort to propel humanity forward. That said, there will be good times and bad. A wide array of feelings will be felt. That’s ok. That’s life.

Bottom line, purpose and peace go hand in hand. Your purpose is to add as much good stuff to the vibe pile as possible. By aligning your personal and professional life with who you are and how you work, you will find what you’re looking for.

If you are looking for purpose and peace via career, money, romantic love or any other external means, you’ll never find it. Take the easy way out and start asking yourself some tough questions. It won’t take nearly as long.


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